154 research outputs found

    Transformative expectations in research on environmental and sustainability education

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    While education in general is seen as a crucial means for creating social change and transformation, environmental and sustainability education (ESE) is especially subject to transformative expectations in tackling escalating societal problems such as the lack of sustainable development. This article explores how ESE research addresses transformative expectations and justifies the knowledge it produces and its methods. It first explores examples of this within three different categories focusing on: transformative teaching in higher education, systemic transformative change in higher education institutions, and transformative change agency formation in community settings. Thereafter follows a discussion of the interfaces between the examples when it comes to their ontological, epistemological and methodological stances. The analysis illustrates different ways of conceptualizing transformative expectations, drawing on terms such as ‘rethinking’, ‘revitalizing’, ‘disrupting’, ‘reframing’ and ‘transgressing’. It furthermore highlights two different foundations for methodological justifications in ESE research addressing transformative expectations: working for change within existing social frameworks (adaptation), or seeking improvement by transgressing norms (disruption). It is pointing out that such methodological justifications are likely to differ in terms of how they address change depending on whether the research is conducted within or outside formal education settings

    Think Piece: Reflections on the Individual–Collective Relation in Change Agency Formation in the Samsø Renewable Energy Island Project

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    This paper offers reflections on change agency formation in the Renewable Energy Island (REI) project on Samsø, following a field visit to the island in June 2016. Both individual and collective agency are set out as central for the processes leading to the change in the REI project, spurring reflections on individual–collective agency dimensions in change agency formation related to climate change issues, inspired by notions of participation in everyday life (Marres, 2011; Micheletti 2002, 2006). The paper furthermore focuses on an exploration of two different formats of knowledge-sharing in the learning processes leading to change on Samsø – ‘neighbourly visits’ and web-based documentation – emphasising the role of knowledge in change agency formation. Drawing on Jamison’s (2001, 2010) notion of the making of green knowledge in the tension between environmental politics and cultural transformation, the paper suggests that the REI project can be characterised by both an adaptive approach and by social resilience development

    Små barns lärande i förskolan. En kvalitativ undersökning med utgångspunkt i estetiska läroprocesser.

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    Vi har förstått att det sker en stor utveckling i små barns lärande, och anser att detta är av stort intresse. Barnens vardag består till stor del av lek, och andra praktiska uttrycksformer. Vi reflekterar då över hur estetiska läroprocesser samverkar med lärandet. Vi ville i denna rapport se hur små barns lärande i förskolan såg ut, och hur pedagogerna använde sig av estetiska aktiviteter för att stärka det. För att ta reda på detta undersökte vi hur pedagogerna såg på kunskapsutvecklingen hos barnen och vi ville undersöka vilken roll de ansåg att den estetiska verksamheten hade. Till sist tog vi reda på hur balansen mellan omsorg och lärande såg ut. Vi observerade en småbarnsavdelning och intervjuade pedagogerna. Vidare analyserade vi dessa med hjälp av teorier och tidigare forskning på området som hade relevans. Vi har genomgående använt oss av läroplanen för förskolan i vår uppsats. Detta är ett styrdokument, som vi ska följa, därför ser vi det som en viktig del av uppsatsen. Vi såg att barnen lärde sig vid alla tillfällen, och att pedagogerna medvetet använde sig av planerade verksamheter för att förmedla kunskaper till barnen. Vi observerade även att pedagogerna använde sig av estetisk verksamhet i ämnesöverskridande arbete. Vi såg att detta görs i syfte att förmedla en kunskap som i förväg bestämts av pedagogerna, och för att göra lärandet mer lustfyllt för barnen. Vi observerade även att pedagogerna använde sig av estetisk verksamhet för att barnen skulle få en konkret upplevelse. Genom uppsatsen har vi sett olika möjligheter till lärande genom estetiska uttrycksmedel. Vi inser att vi själva har stora möjligheter att medverka i små barns lärande och att vi med estetiska verksamheter kan utmana barnen från deras nivå. Det viktiga är att vi tar utgångspunkt i deras tidigare erfarenheter och inte försöker anlägga ett vuxenperspektiv

    Drankgivans och vallfoderkvaliténs effekt på konsumtion och produktion hos mjölkkor

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    The coproduct, dried distillers grains + solubles (DDGS) from ethanol production based on wheat contains much rumen degradable protein and fiber with low digestibility. To compliment this quality in an effective way a grass silage low in protein and much digestible fiber is needed. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of adjusting the crude-protein concentration and fiber quality of the silage when feeding DDGS and of varying the inclusion level of DDGS, when feeding the adjusted grass silage, on intake, milk yield and composition, faecal traits and feed efficiency. Four different total mixed rations were compared. The normal grass-clover silage had a crude protein content of 17,8 % and an NDF content of 46,2 % of dry matter. The adapted grass silage had a crude protein content of 14,6 % and an NDF content of 52,9 % of dry matter. The diets were formulated to have similar nutritional content except for A + 4 which had a higher content of rumen degradable crude protein and a lower concentration of NDF. The rations used were: • Diet C+1: 1 kg of DDGS (4%) and standard grass-clover silage • Diet A+1: 1 kg of DDGS (4%) and adapted grass silage • Diet A+2,5: 2,5 kg of DDGS (10%) and adapted grass silage • Diet A+4: 4 kg of DDGS (16%) and adapted grass silage The experiment was conducted at Nötcenter Viken, using 48 dairy cows, that at the beginning of the trial had an average milk yield of 42.6 (±6,3) kg energy-corrected milk and averaged 106 ((±53,5) days in milk. The experimental design was a change-over experiment with four treatments and four periods of three weeks. Special feeding equipments were used to receive individual information about feed consumption from each cow. Feed consumption and milk yield were registered during the whole period of registration but milk for analysis of composition was registered during the last four days in each period. On the last day of each period, cows were scored for body condition and manure consistency and pH were registered. Faecal samples were later analysed by a wet sieving technique. All particles longer than 1 cm and all kernels were counted to evaluate rumen function of the cows. All data concerning consumption, milk production and faecal characteristics were analysed with a mixed model in SAS vers. 9,1. Results from the study show that feeding adaped grass silage instead of a standard grass-clover silage, with an inclusion level of 1 kg DDGS, increased intakes of rumen degradable fiber, decreased intake of INDF, and increased concentration and yield of milk protein, decreased milk urea content and improved feed efficiency (p<0,05). Feed efficiency, expressed in kg ECM per kg of DM intake, is better in cows fed 1 kg of DDGS than in cows fed 4 kg of DDGS, when adapted grass silage is fed, and is better than in cows fed standard grass-clover silage and 1 kg of DDGS (p<0.05). In addition, feed efficiency is better in cows fed 2.5 kg of DDGS than in cows fed 4 kg of DDGS, when adapted grass silage is fed (p<0.05). Feeding adapted grass silage at 1, 2.5 and 4 kg of DDGS results in similar milk fat concentration as feeding the standard grass-clover silage at 1 kg of DDGS. Similarly, feeding adapted grass silage at 2.5 and 4 kg of DDGS results in similar milk protein concentrations as feeding standard grass-clover silage at 1 kg of DDGS. Increasing the inclusion level of DDGS from 4% to 10% of DM intake, when adapted grass silage is fed, results in an increased milk fat percentage (p<0.05), which probably depends on an improved fiber digestion in rumen. An inclusion level of 1 to 2 kg of DDGS in combination with an adapted grass silage is recommended to maintain a high feed efficiency as well as high percentages of fat and protein in the milk while the milk urea content is controlled. Rumen function is not affected by increased DDGS inclusion level but much dietary rumen degradable crude protein and rumen degradable fibre have resulted in relatively loose manure of all cows in the experiment. The wet-sieving technique can be a useful method on a farm level to count the number of long particles in faeces.Biprodukten drank, som erhålls från etanolproduktionen och är baserad på vete, innehåller mycket protein, som är relativt lättlösligt och fiber med låg smältbarhet. För att kunna kompensera denna kvalité på ett effektivt sätt behövs ett gräsensilage som är lågt i protein och med mycket lättlösliga fiber. Syftet med studien var att studera effekten av att anpassa vallfodrets proteinhalt och fiberkvalitet vid utfodring av drank samt att undersöka effekten av drankgivans storlek vid utfodring av det anpassade vallfodret på konsumtion, mjölkavkastning och sammansättning, träckegenskaper, hull och foderutnyttjande. Fyra olika fullfoderblandningar jämfördes. Standardvallen innehöll 17,8 % råprotein och 46,2 % NDF och den anpassade vallen innehöll 14,6 % råprotein och 52,9 % NDF. Foderstaterna planerades ha lika näringsmässiga innehåll med undantag av A + 4 med högre halt vomnedbrytbart råprotein men mindre halt NDF. Följande foderbehandlingar användes: • Foderstat C+1: 1 kg drank (4 % av ts) och standardensilage med gräs/klöver • Foderstat A+1: 1 kg drank (4 % av ts) och anpassat gräsensilage • Foderstat A+2,5: 2,5 kg drank (10 % av ts) och anpassat gräsensilage • Foderstat A+4: 4 kg drank (16 % av ts) och anpassat gräsensilage Studien genomfördes på Nötcenter Viken med 48 kor, som vid försöksstart hade en medelavkastning på 42,6 (±6,3) kg ECM och var i genomsnitt 106 (±53,5) dagar i laktation. Försöket utfördes som en change-over design med fyra behandlingar och fyra perioder om tre veckor. Speciella foderstationer användes för att få individuell information om kornas konsumtion. Foderkonsumtion och mjölkmängd mättes under hela mätperioden på 10 dagar i slutet av varje period, men mjölk för analys registrerades under de fyra sista dagarna i varje period. Den sista dagen i varje period gjordes även hullbedömningar och träckregistreringar där träcken bedömdes med avseende på konsistens och pH. Dessutom analyserades träcken genom våtsiktning för att räkna alla partiklar längre än 1 cm och alla hela kärnor för att utvärdera vomfunktionen hos korna. Alla data rörande konsumtion, produktion och träck analyserades i SAS vers. 9.1, mixed model. Resultaten visar att utfodring med anpassat gräsensilage istället för standardensilage av gräs/klöver, vid användning av 1 kg drank, resulterar i ett ökat intag av vomnedbrytbar NDF, minskat intag av osmältbar NDF, ökad halt och mängd av protein i mjölken, minskad ureahalt i mjölken samt en förbättrad fodereffektivitet (p<0,05). Fodereffektiviteten, i kg ECM per kg ts-intag, är bättre för kor utfodrade med 1 kg drank än hos kor utfodrade med 4 kg drank, när anpassat gräsensilage utfodras, och hos kor utfodrade med standardensilage av gräs/klöver och 1 kg drank (p<0,05). Dessutom är fodereffektiviteten högre hos kor utfodrade med 2,5 kg drank än hos kor utfodrade med 4 kg drank när anpassat gräsensilage utfodras (p<0,05). Utfodring med anpassat gräsensilage vid 1, 2,5 och 4 kg drank ger liknande fetthalt i mjölken som utfodring med standardensilaget av gräs/klöver och 1 kg drank. Likaså ger utfodring med anpassat gräsensilage vid 2,5 och 4 kg drank samma proteinhalt i mjölken som utfodring med standardensilaget av gräs/klöver och 1 kg drank. En ökad drankgiva från 4 % till 10 % av ts-intaget, när ett anpassat gräsensilage utfodras, ökar fetthalten i mjölken (p<0,05), vilket troligen beror på en förbättrad fibernedbrytning i vommen. En drankgiva på 1-2 kg i kombination med ett anpassat gräsensilage är att rekommendera för att bibehålla ett bra foderutnyttjande, erhålla en bra fetthalt och proteinhalt i mjölken samtidigt som mjölkens ureahalt hålls under kontroll. Vomfunktionen har troligen inte påverkats mycket utav den större drankgivan men mycket vomnedbrytbart protein i kombination med hög smältbarhet hos fibern har resulterat i att samtliga kor hade en relativt lös träck under försökets genomförande. Våtsiktning kan vara en bra metod för att skatta antal långa partiklar i träcken och kan på gårdsnivå vara ett bra hjälpmedel

    First Semester Nursing Student Perceptions of Their Knowledge of and Difficulties in Performing Supportive Caring Actions

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    Students in nursing education do not need to have any experience of having worked in healthcare prior to entering the programme. A total of 123 students rated their perceived knowledge and degree of difficulty in performing supportive caring actions during the first semester of their nursing education. The study, which has a descriptive approach, has been carried out using the Verbal and Social Interaction for Nursing Students (VSI-NS) questionnaire that contains four factors: Inviting to talk about feeling and thoughts, Building a caring relationship, Encouraging social and practical aspects in daily life and Caring towards health and well-being. The results of the study showed that the nursing students rated a high level of knowledge about supportive caring actions, but that these could be difficult to perform. The only significant difference was between male and female nursing students, where the male nursing students considered that it was more difficult to create a caring relationship than their female counterparts. Résumé Les étudiantes et étudiants en sciences infirmières n\u27ont pas d’expérience de travail dans un milieu de santé avant d\u27entrer dans le programme. Une étude auprès de 123 d’entre eux a permis de collecter des données quant à leurs connaissances perçues et à leur degré de difficulté à effectuer des actions de soins de soutien au cours du premier semestre de leur formation en sciences infirmières. L’étude descriptive a été menée en utilisant le questionnaire Verbal and Social Interaction for Nursing Students (VSI-NS), qui comprend quatre dimensions : inviter à parler de ses sentiments et de ses pensées, établir une relation de caring, promouvoir les aspects sociaux et pratiques de la vie quotidienne et prendre soin de sa santé et de son bien-être. Les résultats de l\u27étude ont montré que les étudiantes et étudiants en sciences infirmières percevaient qu’ils avaient un niveau élevé de connaissances sur les actions de soins de soutien, mais que ces actions pouvaient être difficiles à mettre en œuvre. La seule différence significative identifiée était entre les étudiants hommes et les étudiantes femmes; les étudiants hommes trouvaient plus difficiles que les étudiantes femmes d’établir une relation de caring

    The polymorphism rs2480258 within CYP2E1 is associated with different rates of acrylamide metabolism in vivo in humans

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    In a recent study, we demonstrated that the variant allele of rs2480258 within intron VIII of CYP2E1 is associated with reduced levels of mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity. CYP2E1 is the most important enzyme in the metabolism of acrylamide (AA) by operating its oxidation into glycidamide (GA). AA occurs in food, is neurotoxic and classified as a probable human carcinogen. The goal of the present study was to further assess the role of rs2480258 by measuring the rate of AA &gt; GA biotransformation in vivo. In blood samples from a cohort of 120 volunteers, the internal doses of AA and GA were assessed by AA and GA adducts to hemoglobin (Hb) measured by mass spectrometry. The rate of biotransformation was assessed by calculating the GA-Hb/AA-Hb ratio. To maximize the statistical power, 60 TT was compared to 60 CC-homozygotes and the results showed that TT homozygotes had a statistically significant reduced rate of biotransformation. Present results reinforced the notion that T-allele of rs2480258 is a marker of low functional activity of CYP2E1. Moreover, we studied the role of polymorphisms (SNPs) within glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) enzymes and epoxide hydrolase (EPHX), verifying previous findings that SNPs within GSTs and EPHX influence the metabolism rate

    Användarstyrt förvärv: Slutrapport för PDA-projektet vid Lunds Universitets bibliotek

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    Lunds Universitets bibliotek testade mellan oktober 2013 och juli 2014 förvärvsmodellen Patron Driven Acquisition (PDA) via e-boksaggregatorn EBL. Arbetet med testet sattes upp i projektform. I följande rapport beskrivs modellen, projektgruppens förberedelsearbete samt resultat av projektet

    Medical Yoga for Patients with Stress-Related Symptoms and Diagnoses in Primary Health Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    An increasing number of patients are suffering from stress-related symptoms and diagnoses. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the medical yoga treatment in patients with stress-related symptoms and diagnoses in primary health care. A randomized controlled study was performed at a primary health care centre in Sweden from March to June, 2011. Patients were randomly allocated to a control group receiving standard care or a yoga group treated with medical yoga for 1 hour, once a week, over a 12-week period in addition to the standard care. A total of 37 men and women, mean age of 53±12 years were included. General stress level (measured using Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)), burnout (Shirom-Melamed Burnout Questionnaire (SMBQ)), anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)), insomnia severity (Insomnia Severity Index (ISI)), pain (visual analogue scale (VAS)), and overall health status (Euro Quality of Life VAS (EQ-VAS)) were measured before and after 12 weeks. Patients assigned to the Yoga group showed significantly greater improvements on measures of general stress level (P<0.000), anxiety (P<0.019), and overall health status (P<0.018) compared to controls. Treatment with medical yoga is effective in reducing levels of stress and anxiety in patients with stress-related symptoms in primary health care

    Topological methods reveal high and low functioning neuro-phenotypes within fragile X syndrome: Topology Finds Fragile X Syndrome Phenotypes

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS), due to mutations of the FMR1 gene, is the most common known inherited cause of developmental disability as well as the most common single-gene risk factor for autism. Our goal was to examine variation in brain structure in FXS with topological data analysis (TDA), and to assess how such variation is associated with measures of IQ and autism-related behaviors. To this end, we analyzed imaging and behavioral data from young boys (n=52; aged 1.57-4.15 years) diagnosed with FXS. Application of topological methods to structural MRI data revealed two large subgroups within the study population. Comparison of these subgroups showed significant between-subgroup neuroanatomical differences similar to those previously reported to distinguish children with FXS from typically developing controls (e.g., enlarged caudate). In addition to neuroanatomy, the groups showed significant differences in IQ and autism severity scores. These results suggest that despite arising from a single gene mutation, fragile X syndrome may encompass two biologically and clinically separable phenotypes. In addition, these findings underscore the potential of TDA as a powerful tool in the search for biological phenotypes of neuropsychiatric disorders